GET /api/v1/status The price specified must be a multiple number of the contract tickSize, otherwise the system will report an error when you place the order. For example, KuCoinFutures has currently launched quarterly delivery contract including theBTC Quarterly 0625. CopyRight 2017 - 2023 KuCoin Futures Trading Tutorial (Futures Strategy & Trading Explained) MoneyZG 84K views 10 months ago This IS WHY Most BEGINNERS Lose Their ACCOUNTS (What Is Leverage?) KuCoin Futures Has Launched USDT Margined FLOKI, AR, CKB Contracts Currently, the BTC and ETH perpetual contracts that, leverage, while delivery contracts support up to, leverage. Target Price for KuCoin Futures. Deprecate level3 partial message query interface. GET /api/v1/level2/snapshot?symbol=XBTUSDM. After you logged into your account, copy your account id. Get a list of recent 1000 orders in the last 24 hours. If you have no position in KuCoin, then this use case could be more helpful. GET /api/v1/interest/query?symbol=.XBTINT&offset=1558079160000&forward=true&maxCount=10. Dogecoin has skyrocketed over 800%! ago This feature is still in development. Perpetual Futures: The Bitcoin mini perpetual Future is aimed to replicate the underlying bitcoin spot market but with flexible leverage. The first problem is the high fees. Futures on KuCoin, just say no. This is the default type if the field is left empty. New field settleCurrency (currency used to clear and settle the trades) will be added to the response from the following interfaces: GET /api/v1/position up: Triggers when the price reaches or goes above the stopPrice. This could either be positive or negative depending on whether you are long or short and the relative rates of funding at the time. If you only use public channels (e.g. Dont be me. If the response is set as ture, the system would return the ack messages after the unsubscription succeed. GET /api/v1/interest/query?symbol=.XBTINT. Price and size are required to be specified for a limit order. A quick look into Perpetual Future Contracts - Medium If the size equals to 0, you can update the sequence and remove the price of which the size is 0 out of Level 2. If you cancel a partially filled or unfilled order, any remaining funds will be released from hold and become available. Unless otherwise specified, all timestamps from API are returned in Unix time milliseconds(e.g. If the total amount of these orders exceeds the position size, the system will cancel the extra no-fund-frozen orders to ensure they wont be executed. You can request for specific orders using query parameters. The transfer-out request could only be canceled under the PROCESSING status. Null indicates that automatic settlement is not supported, Fixed taker fees(Deprecated field, no actual use of the value field), Fixed maker fees(Deprecated field, no actual use of the value field), Whether quanto or not(Deprecated field, no actual use of the value field), Base currency interest rate symbol (1 minute), Quote currency interest rate symbol (1 minute), Start sequence number (included in the returned data), End sequence number (included in the returned data), Recommended to send ping interval in millisecond. 1546658861000). You may also visit this guide: Futures. 1544657947759, For GET and DELETE requests, all queried parameters need to be included in the request URL. Futures | news | KuCoin This is the Unix timestamp. The cancellation request will be processed by matching engine in sequence. After that, use base64-encode to encrypt the result in step 1 again. Judge messages by topic. stopPriceType: There are three types of stop prices for contract, including: TP for trade price, MP for mark price, and IP for index price. The mark price and the index price can be obtained through relevant OPEN API for index services. There are many types of Futures contracts today, such as inverse contracts, linear contracts, delivery contracts and perpetual contracts. Use a halfwidth comma to each IP.If modified, the IP will be reset.). Perpetual contracts are a type of contract without a settlement time. You might get hot, but its the houses game. GTC Good Till Canceled: order remains open on the order book until canceled. If the returned value is null, it means that the requested token has no memo. Before being able to sign any requests, you must create an API key via the KuCoin Futures website. All in all, both the trading fees and withdrawal fees at KuCoin Futures are in line with or even below the industry . account balance notice), please make request as follows after authorization to obtain the server list and authorized token. A taker order matches other resting orders on the exchange order book, and gets executed immediately after order entry. Also, something that I dont totally grok yet is how volatility is not really your friend. VICTORIA, Seychelles, September 07, 2022--KuCoin, a leading global cryptocurrency trading platform, was selected as one of the top 5 global Futures Exchanges by CoinMarketCap, the world's most . GET /api/v1/account-overview?currency=XBT. You can request fills for specific orders using query parameters. The original interface POST /api/v1/transfer-out is still available but needs to be upgraded to support the transfer of USDT. New field settleCurrency (currency used to clear and settle the trades) will be added to the response from GET /api/v1/funding-history, New field maxLeverage (maximum contract leverage) will be added to the response from the following interfaces: This API will return data with full depth. POST /api/v1/transfer-out [It's deprecated, please use POST /api/v3/transfer-out instead], POST /api/v2/transfer-out [It is recommended to use POST /api/v3/transfer-out instead]. KuCoin futures trading tutorial and KuCoin trading strategyTrade on KuCoin: Crypto Course: https://moneyzg.academyBest Crypto. Submit request to get info of the specified contract. If you need to get your recent traded order history with low latency, you may query this endpoint. margin amount0.00001667XBT, A unique ID generated by the user, to ensure the operation is processed by the system only once. This API is restricted for each account, the request rate limit is 40 times/3s. GET /api/v1/level2/message/query?symbol=XBTUSDM&start=100&end=200. Get a list of recent 1000 fills in the last 24 hours. The leverage parameter is used to calculate the margin to be frozen for the order. Suppose we get the data as following: Thus, the current order book is as following: After subscribing you will receive change message as following: In the beginning, the sequence of the order book is 16. Your personal information will be kept confidential. A taker order is the order that was matched with orders opened on the order book. Security Aside from that, KuCoin cares greatly about the security of its users. Reward amounts will be determined based on the type and relevance of the information provided. Mark Price, Auto-Deposit Margin and Liquidation. Contract Types Supported in KuCoin Futures | KuCoin Please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your KuCoin Futures Account, or the transfer will fail. On the contrary, if you only specified the end time, the system will calculate the start time (start time= end time - 24 hours) the same way. The whole documentation is divided into two parts: 1)REST APIand 2) Websocket Feed. You could judge the message type via topic. In this video, I explained briefly how to trade futures on Kucoin using the isolated margin on Kucoin. It took me a while to figure it out but trading fees are about 100% per annum. KuCoin attempts to screen all tokens before they come to market, however, even with the best due diligence, there are still risks when investing. This is completely nuts and means you need to double your money every year to make any. If you speak to me like Im 5, even better. The unique attribute of the last returned result of the last request. KuCoin Futures Has Launched USDT Margined FLOKI, AR, CKB Contracts Trading Challenge COMPLETE: $2k to $5k - Day 12. These messages can also be obtained through Websocket. It should be a multiple number of the lot, or the system will report an error when you place the order. As of now, KuCoin Futures supports two types of futures trading with BTC: Perpetual Futures and Quarterly Delivery Futures. Generated by yourself, the optional clientOid field must be a unique id (e.g UUID). AUDIOUSDTPERP BINANCE. KuCoin Futures API Documentation This endpoint can be used to obtain a list of Futures APIs pertaining to a sub-account. The Bitcoin mini perpetual future was made to replicate the bitcoin spot market with the addition of flexible leverage. Modified API permission. Apply the new Level 2 data flow to the local snapshot to ensure that the sequence of the new Level 2 update lines up with the sequence of the previous Level 2 data. If set to TRUE, only the orders reducing the position size will be executed. Level3 snapshot query interface is recommended. The price of Perpetual Protocol (PERP) is $0.921871 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $11,504,409. KuCoin Futures Trade Volume, Trade Pairs & Trust Score - CoinGecko If the status parameter is not specified, orders of done status will be returned by default. KC-API-TIMESTAMP Invalid -- Time differs from server time by more than 5 seconds, Signature error -- Please check your signature, The IP address is not in the API whitelist, Access Denied -- Your API key does not have sufficient permissions to access the URI, Parameter Error -- You tried to access the resource with invalid parameters, URL Not Found -- The requested resource could not be found, User is frozen -- Please contact us via support center, Too Many Requests -- Trigger the total traffic limit of this interface of KuCoin server, you can retry the request. When trading on KuCoin, it can be difficult to determine what you're exit price should be. Don't feel sorry for me, that's about 1% of my net worth. Exchange Reserves data is currently unavailable for KuCoin Futures. The Beginner's Guide to KuCoin - FrontierProtocols If you lost this information, please create a new API KEY. You may use the web interface in the sandbox environment to create an API key. The original level-3 interface /contractMarket/level3:{symbol} is abandoned, please shift to /contractMarket/level3V2:{symbol}. BitForex, KuCoin, OKEx, Xena offers the . # MarketData from kucoin_futures. If your trading volume has exceeded 5,000 BTC in the last 30 days, please provide the following information to [emailprotected], with the title of Futures Market Maker Application: Users with great market making strategies and large trading volume are welcome to join the incentive plan for the long term. Find the cryptocurrency you're shorting 4. 2. KuCoin Futures will be launching USDT-Margined Chainlink (LINK) Perpetual Futures. Thank you for your support! KuCoin CEO Refutes Insolvency Rumors And Exposure to 3AC, LUNA Query this endpoint to get the untriggered stop orders of the position in XBTUSDM. Contract Information: Click to view more details about new contract A new Terra On May 25th, 2022, Terra Classic users passed governance proposal 1623, which outlined the genesis of a new Terra chain. KuCoin Futures has currently launched more than 60 perpetual contract products, such as the USDT-margined BTC PERP , ETH PERP , BCH PERP , BSV PERP and the BTC-margined BTC Perpetual , ETH PERP , XRP PERP , DOT PERP. While there are topic messages generated, the system will send the corresponding messages to the client side. See Advanced Description for more details. Tron (TRX) Official Website: Tutorial: KuCoin Futures Lite New User Guide KuCoin Futures New User Guide Thank you for your support! EVERYTHING you need to know about KuCoin fees [2022] - Stilt Blog Top Cryptocurrency Derivatives (Perpetual Contract) by Open Interest BTCPERP , 31 WyckoffAnalyst Pro Updated Feb 26 Expecting a swing fail between $23,350 and $23,525 and a continuation towards SPRING around $22,500. Select the crypto you'd like to short. Any idea how to chart futures on Tradingview? : r/kucoin - reddit Orders removed from the order book will be marked with done status. A successful order is defined as one that has been accepted by the matching engine. {"id": "1Jpg30DEdU", "type": "openTunnel", "newTunnelId": "bt1", "response": true}, Add tunnelId in the command: Please do not send a repeated client_oid.
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