She could think of only one reason: so that Bluefur could leave the nursery and take over as Clan deputy instead of Thistleclaw. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bluefur would have picked thrushpelt he keeps trying his best to please her and he loves her more than anything. "Thanks" A tear rolled from her eye. She saw from first to second Lionheart,Redtail,Silverstream,Runningwind,Brindleface,Swiftpaw,Yellowfang,Spottedleaf,and her.She satthere waiting for her turn.
What made bluestar love oakheart? - Answers "That was a good catch," Bluestar praised and Oakheart turned. While Bluestar did drown, it can be noted that several factors, such as her age, depression, her wound from the dogs, grief, and stress might have played a part in her demise. ===Chapter Four=== Bluestar padded over to Cinderpelt many StarClan spirits surrounding her. So familiar, like when we were kits" Mistyfoot meowed, Stonefur nodded smiling. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! Patchpaw. Bluekit: (gives change to Pinestar) Here you go! Moonflower licked the tear. "I feel bad for Cinderpelt" Bluestar meowed to Snowfur the next day. She closed her eyes.
Scratch Studio - Bluestar X Oakheart RP "Hey, my tail isn't moss or something to play with!" In a heartbeat Snowfur went racing off. She sighed. characters by Erin Hunter art by me Image details Image size 1024x768px 575.33 KB 2016 - 2023 Comments 70 Join the community to add your comment. I've been looking all around StarClan for you! "Bluestar! She was happy to see her Clan again but she soon needed to give Fireheart one of his nine lives. "Leave me alone Spottedleaf, you're worth nothing, all you do is moon over Firestar" Spottedleaf's pelt bristled. "And who may that be?" Yes, Oaskheart did love Blestar but I don't know if he did when she gave away the kits to him. Mosskit smiled and Shellheart,Oakheart's father was calling him and Mosskit.
are bluestar and oakheart mates in starclan . Now we would always be together in starclan. Everyone didn't say anything.
CatsProbably | Archive of Our Own Bluestar didn't answer until awhile.
Firestar and Bluestar by Dawncloud - BlogClan - Kate Cary She is born to Bluefur and Oakheart. Bluestar looked to her, Leafpool gasped and ran to help Cinderpelt, the badger running off. Bluestar meowed. "Huh" She sighed. just let go Published: Oct 7, 2016. Yellowfang continued. "Bluestar! It would have added a more interesting dynamic if he was the father of her kits and I feel like he would understand her need to become deputy more.
Oakheart Stories - Wattpad Bluestar remained calm as she looked at the starry warriors before her. Luckily Bluestar became mates with Oakheart again in Starclan, thank goodness! Bluestar replied with a heavy sigh. *******Bluestar looked down at Dovepaw. Bluestar smiled. Was bluestar there when oakheart died? "Maybe, but Mudclaw would put your Clan in danger." "Yeah Maybe you're right". The fish landed at the RiverClan tom's paws and he killed it with a killing blow. Spottedleaf finished. Welcome to the Warriors Wiki! Patchkit: It is a study area. West: Hey Kit! She heard Moonflower and Snowfurcall to her. I was right beside them, my body was there but my spirit was also there. Stonefur joined Starclan recently, Mosskit was happy to meet her brother again that she can play with along with Minnowkit and Willowkit. Leafpool asked softly. (Oakheart ends up with Graypool) However Patchpelt confesses his feelings for Bluefur and they fall in love.
But for all anyone knows he only has about three left!" Bluestar closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. I smiled at Thistleclaw then I padded over to Oakheart. Stop being ingnorant and hotheaded!" "ThunderClan!" "Stormtail?
What if Bluestar chose Thrushpelt? | Warriors Fanfiction | Fandom Former ThunderClan warrior and later leader of ShadowClan. Leafpool wailed. "This would've never happened if Leafpool didn't run off with Crowfeather!" Bluekit: HA! Cinderpelt! Dishwasher safe. Molepaw he brother, was on his way to lead Honeyfern to StarClan. Pinestar: Ok, Leopardkit and Patchkit, go ahead. Bluestar looked down at her Clan. StarClan cannot choose leaders, even if the leader is just. Snowkit: Let's eat vegetables that can kill us! Bluestar stood in front of them all. Also included in a three-pack bundle with the rest of. Shortly after her apprenticeship, Moonflower was killed in a battle by Hawkheart, the Windclan medicine cat. Forever gone" "Not gone, but living another life, In the stars." They touched it and faded to the starlight Fourtrees. Bluestar didn't say anything and she dipped her head to Rosetail and padded away. Redtail shook his head in sorrow. The little medicine cat could never fulfil her life as a warrior. My pelt was shining and my eyes gleamed. "You are more than a StarClan cat." #SoCWeek11 <=====> Introduction Character Design "What do you see?" Best Answer. "Welcome to StarClan." Meowed Sunstar as he finally padded up. Bluestar cried. from the story Warriors: The Return Of The Greatest Heroes by CrazyFlamefur (Flamefur) with 2,660 reads. Mumblefoot: I'm Mumblefoot, and I have a weird name. Bluestar had to tell Brambleclaw about his fate and soon StarClan had to move to another sky. As she walked closer she heard them. Bluekit: Oh look at the butterfly! She sat down on the grass in the garden.
6 I thought this was an interesting question. Snowfur sighed. The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition, Bluestar & Darkstripe - Mini Collector Figures, Goosefeather on Bluefur's destiny and sacrifices, Bluefur contemplating giving up her kits, Sunstar telling Bluefur why he chose her to be deputy. "What's wrong?" Bluestar was a leader of ThunderClan in the forest territories. The whole Clan sits vigil for him, and Bluestar is especially distraught. Stonefur watched his sister from StarClan.
Top 10 Cutest Warrior Cat Couples - TheTopTens NOW be quiet now and go to sleep! Poppydawn: Don't go too far and run into a monster! "Bluestar!" (puts on Lady Gaga sunglasses). Oakheart laughs in joy. Don't ask if it's physics! "They will live, with hope and faith. ", Stonefur let sorrow fill his mind. Isolated in her grief from her own clanmates, Bluefur fell in love with a Riverclan warrior named Oakheart, but their brief relationship ended when Bluefur realized she could not be loyal to Thunderclan while her heart lay elsewhere. Bluestar's Death: Bluestar blinked open her eyes. He meowed padding off. "Again? Bluefur; fiercely ambitious, determined to do what was best for her Clan, even if it meant unimaginable sacrifices. StarClan cares for every cat in the forest, from the blind, helpless kit to the oldest elder lying in the sun. . Bluestar laid her head on his shoulder. Oakheart said. Oakheart pushed the fish over to Bluestar. Whitestorm dipped his head. Bluestar dipped her head dissapearing away. Snowfur began dashing to her sister, pushing past cats.
A StarClan moment Chapter 1: Bluestar & Oakheart, a warriors fanfic I slowly floated back to StarClan, now knowing Fireheart had helped everyone. "I must go now" Bluestar nodded. And I doubted it myself, when fire raged through our camp. "Why have you given up on your Clan" She whispered. Unbeknownst to Bluefur, she was already expecting Oakheart's kits. He slowly glanced to Whitestorm then licked his muzzle. Hello Brightspirit, long time since I've seen you." "Hello Bluestar", he said. But Fireheart was not sure he understood at all. Bluestar turned to Oakheart "it's ok I'll go to Stonefur and Crookedstar" Oakheart replied and padded to his son and his brother, then Bluestar and Mosskit goes to Snowfur "hey Snowfur" greeted Bluestar "oh hey Bluestar and hello Mosskit" Snowfur meowed "hello Snowfur" said Mosskit "can you teach me some hunting tricks?" She knew half of StarClan now hated her. as for they were in different clans, a lot of warriors relationships are like that and it doesnt make THAT much of a difference. I saw Stonefur but never you!". (Snowkit is teleported and saved). "Im happy to see you, but also sad. "WindClan!" She believes that WindClan is stealing prey from ThunderClan, when in reality the evidence shows that it is a dog, and prepares to launch an attack on them. She was glad to be reunited with her friends and kin in StarClan. I was filled with sorrow. "My love, you did not fail your Clan."
What if Bluestar and Patchpelt fell in love? | Warrior Cats Amino (shares language with Dapplepaw). come on! Bluestar is a sleek blue-silver she-cat with a silver muzzel. Oakheart was a strong, promising RiverClan tom and the brother of the great leader, Crookedstar. Dapplepaw: Cool! Moonflower: Cool. "Cinderpelt!
All the cats got ready and finally when Firestar was there at the Moonstone we went to give him his nine lives. However, Tigerstar made ThunderClan falsely believe that he had killed Oakheart after Oakheart killed Redtail.
#skyeyei | TikTok "I said nothing about the kits!" "Power like the stars." Unexpected warrior: AHHHH PIANO! Fireheart will lead the clan, you don't need to worry anymore.
"The whole of StarClan will be seeing you catching fish next!" so hollyfrost and i are debating, and im debating on the side that bluestar shouldve chosen thrushpelt! (which is 555 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 seeds) yummy! Mistyfoot and Stonefur: AAHHH! ), Lift: Now you have reached the forest! Oakheart asked happily "Moonflower and Stormtail approved our relationship!" You are the fourth apprentice." ===Chapter Seven=== "Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and." Bluestar stopped. "You fell in love with Raggedstar!" His mind was whirling. "Maybe she will," Oakheart mewed, and Bluestar gave a nod. LET'S CONTINUE Sorry!!!! He reasurred. , Fogpaw/whisper (Fog that whispers the ancient prophecies)Whisie/Whisa. Bluekit: Unless we see big cats and watch Leopardkit and Patchkit clean up their patients! I kept telling myself he'll be okay, but then my mother's voice was in my ears. All Oakheart and Bluestar wanted was to be with each other but Oakheart was from Riverclan and Bluestar was from Thunderclan. Her voice was only available to Jayfeather's mind, slowly her scent wrapped around Jayfeather giving him peace. I'm sorry apprentices, but soon much pain will come Jaypaw was in the StarClan grounds, Bluestar knew he was there but didn't speak of him. Biography Bluestar's Prophecy Bluekit and her sister Snowkit are born to Moonflower and Stormtail. Every cat was waiting for her. What brings you here?" Oakheart meowed. I hope they know that they have been loved. Moonflower meowed.
Rosetail's Secret: A Warriors FanFic - Discuss Scratch "I just hope I made the right choice for Onewhisker."
StarClan Discovery, a warriors fanfic | FanFiction We will stay there for a month. Stormtail: (sees Husky) Ah, what? "But it is!" Bluestar watched Spottedleaf pad away dissapearing into the grounds of StarClan. Blackfoot pinned him and then finally delivered the death blow. Redtail meowed softly. Monthly: (licks it) Do you want me to make sure you don't slip again? The figure of a cat formed and the cats tensed. "Wait! Her eyes brightened. I am Bluestar and I lost faith. She was so happy and full of joy but inside her she missed her Clan. Bluestar shouted and Oakheart turns around then Bluestar pinned Oakheart happily "what's this about?" A made-to-order t-shirt or hoodie featuring the cover artwork from. Bluestar cheered. But, we all know that your mate shouldn't charm you just to do what they want. Wiki User. "You have a true destiny to live out, a great compassion in your work lies ahead" Not for long Bluestar knew what was going to to happen "But what about the three bright stars I saw?" However, it seems that they are only willing to do it in specific instances given that Tigerheart was needed to reunite. "I have no hope." "You are my stars." She yowled. A few moons after becoming a warrior, she begins to stay in the nursery full-time to help the other queens raise their children. Bluestar didn't answer. Tallstar padded up. Snowfur padded away to be with Thistleclaw, leaving Bluestar to think.
Bluestar X Oakheart by WoofyDragon on DeviantArt Bluestar cried softly. @Streamstar49. (T)Thistleclaw: A white tom with dark gray and gray splotches. bluestarsdeath bluestar drowning fireheart oakheart starclan warriors warriorcats climbtothestars wcgoretober. She was apprenticed early as Bluepaw with her mentor being Stonepelt. StarClan's hunting grounds I smiled now, I was going to give my former deputy one of his nine lives. "But finally we know Mosskit died.". Stormtail looked at Bluestar. Stonetail asked "I sleep with Oakheart" Bluestar meowed "you know Bluestar sometimes I disapproved you and Oakheart's relationship" Moonflower said and Bluestar sighs "we truly loved each other, now that we're in Starclan we can be together again we know that we broke the warrior code but we still love each other. Oakheart purred. Cats can learn to follow the warrior code, but they cannot always learn to have the compassion and courage that comes from faith. i think bluestar did love thrushpelt- but just as a friend. "Lead her to StarClan, I have a suprise for her."
Bluefur/Oakheart (Warriors) - Works | Archive of Our Own Bluestar had greeted the new StarClan cat. Kate thinks that StarClan only exists because warriors invented them. Snowkit: They are not yet born. Goosefeather: Going to WindClan, Heatherstar sells sunglasses! "Oh Honeyfern, why did you have to get bitten by that snake?" I believe in my Clan.
Bluestar and Oakheart: alternative love story | Warriors Fanfiction And Bluekit: (Runs to WindClan and buys sunglasses). AmazingWarriorCats. Snowkit: I want to stay but bossy mc heavy pants go. Leopardkit: Jellybeans taste delicious!!!!!!!!!!! Third, because I'm in love with Dapplepawa! And what was probably more real to him than either; the gifted leader who had done what she felt was best and borne the pain of it alone. Her eyes watered. Leafpool wailed It broke Bluestar's heart to leave her but she just left to StarClan. Do you want to come? Many cat were by me and smiling, I saw my sister Snowfur, my mother Moonflower, my father Stormtail and my kit; Mosskit. I need to be as strong as fire. If we did, would you truly be free? I need more answers!" The piercing blue eyes of beloved Bluestar will have you snuggling up to her as if she's a real kittypet. "Fightning for their Clan." Oh Piiinestar?
Bluestar | Heroes Wiki | Fandom Mosskit replied cheerfully and Bluestar purred "what about you Oakheart? Love can lead a cat so far astray that it becomes too late to turn back. "What other!" Stunning graphic design featuring Bluestar printed on a white ceramic mug. Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. He yowled. @Lavacat1. (Kicks the cat out). so, i think bluestar shouldve chosen thrushpelt because he was in her clan, and it would just be so much easier for both of them. OUT! Bluestar hissed. A few moons had passed and Bluestar remembered last night when, Yellowfang, the former medicine cat attacked Bluestar, angry that she did not tell the truth to the Clans. Goosefeather: HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN MY EYE? I was finally in the stars, at StarClan. also thrushpelt loved bluestar. What are your names? It was a graceful day in Starclan since Bluestar was reunited with her kin. I see the stars becuase that just what I am. "Catching fish now, eh, Bluestar?" Bluestar yowled. Warriors Fanfiction is a FANDOM Books Community. Once the deputy, during a battle over Sunningrocks he perished from a rock slide. SHE SN- (sighs as she sleeps). A cat's yowl echoed across the room. Snowfur is introduced to Leafstar by Skywatcher and Cloudstar, along with her sister, Bluestar, and her son, Whitestorm. Leafpool again stood before Bluestar. Yellowfang stared at him blankly. Welcome to the Warriors Wiki! (To make lemonade), Bluekit: Man, having a Snowkit slave is enough!Bluekit: Oh look, a helicopter! Stormtail: Good! You can choose your teacher. All he has is one life!". I'm going to teach you how to hunt! "Never give up hope!" "StarClan." She dipped her head, sorrow shining in her very blue eyes. Approximately 7cm with an anti-stress bean filling. Eh I don't like them for three reasons! OK! It's a medicine cat. Tallstar glanced to Bluestar. Bluestar asked alomost in tears. are bluestar and oakheart mates in starclan moline school district calendar 2022-2023 July 7, 2022 | 0 moline school district calendar 2022-2023 July 7, 2022 | 0 Goosefeather gave her a prophecy, though she didn't think much of it. On the other, he saw a mother grieving for the kits she had abandoned so long ago. [2] They are responsible for sending signs and omens to the living cats. "I'm just going to leave you, to your pathetic life of no faith." I drew the scene from Warriors when Bluestar declared war on StarClan. It is noted that they are mates in StarClan . He made that choice to please Bluestar. Bluestar looked down at the Clans her eyes blazing. Monthly: Let my daughter hear us and smell sleep. Bluefur mentored Frostfur and Runningwind, and later succeeded Tawnyspots as deputy. "But you have the hope inside my darling, I can feel it." "I'm not doing it. Tallstar nodded with agreement. "Your not supposed to fall in love,Spottedleaf!" Who could he be? Whitestorm hissed. Before I knew, there was a pile of blood and bones, Firestar looked terrified. Bluestar purred. Leopardkit: But I was just a mouse for the last time! Warriors Fanfiction And Charart Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. "I know that! Want to edit and see less ads? "Firestar I give you the gift of nobility, certainty, and faith, to use to lead the Clan in the ways of StarClan." Whatever happens, they'll always be my kits, too! The Hidden Prophecy short story competition: Enter here! 34.5K Views. Stormtail: Anyway, look at what I'm holding! Measures approximately 35cm in length. "Me?!" "Stonefur, my kit. !<3 #warriorcats #iskyeye #skyeyei #sandstorm #firestar #brambleclaw #brambleshit #squrrielflight #oakheart #bluestar #cloudtail #brightheart # # # # # # # # its been awhile since i read bluestars prophecy (its also my fav book), but i think bluestar loved oakheart more than any other tom. When they're able to leave the nursery, Leopardkit and Patchkit show them around ThunderClan's camp. It took me a long time to do it! Bluestar smiled, happy to see the former leader, again. Well, okay, then.
Quote #9: Bluestar, Oakheart and Fireheart (star) - Wattpad "I don't think Brambleclaw will suceed Firestar" "That's nonsense." After Bluestar sacrificed herself to save ThunderClan, Mistyfoot and Stonefur forgave her, and she ascended to StarClan where she became mates with Oakheart again and reunited with her kin, feeling at peace. After Spottedleaf received a prophecy, Bluestar invited a young kittypet named Rusty to join ThunderClan, naming him Firepaw, and mentored him. I think that it's because she is charmed. "Clear all of that from your mind, and replace it, with life, happiness, bright skies, and hope." "You." "Shes old and sick, soon Mistyfoot will become leader."
Thunderclan Fanfiction Stories - Quotev After all the lives it was my turn. ThunderClan: (not supported) Leopardpaw. Study now. Expecting another uproar that didn't come he explains how he'd hoped to become deputy but Bluestar chose Lionheart and when he died to ShadowClan he got his wish but the power wasn't enough so he made attempts on Bluestars life and says he believes Cinderpaws accident by Thunderpath was a trap set for Bluestar which Cinderpaw is left agape by. I am Bluestar, I live In StarClan forever with hope and faith in my Clan. Warriors Fanfiction is a FANDOM Books Community. Two because they are evil. Icon Bluestar looked up at her and smiled. (I might give a better summary later) Thrushpelt and Mosskit's StarClan Adventures and their relationship is super cute! She asked. She doesn't drive him off her territory but why? Yellowfang looked at her and snarled but remembered their agruement and kept her mouth shut. "Bluestar. Firestar is loosing many lives." (Get Iceberg and Pool), Snowkit: That's right ma'am! Bluefur then realized she could not be loyal to her Clan when her heart lay somewhere else. I can't be what I want to be. After becoming a warrior, Bluefur raised Whitekit, Snowfur's kit, as her own after the death of her sister, and Bluefur fell for a RiverClan warrior, Oakheart, becoming pregnant with his kits. Bluestar got to her paws and padded around looking at the ground thinking. "I missed you too" She purred. They're a really cute couple. "Mistyfoot will live, she will be the best deputy ever. Bluestar watched him. Contents 1 Appearances 1.1 Cats of the Clans 1.2 Secrets of the Clans 1.3 The Rise of Scourge 1.4 Into the Wild 1.5 Fire and Ice 1.6 Forest of Secrets 1.7 Rising Storm 1.8 A Dangerous Path 1.9 The Darkest Hour 1.10 Firestar's Quest 1.11 Midnight 1.12 Starlight 1.13 Twilight 1.14 Sunset It only seems like yesterday since you've came here, and yet so many other cats have joined StarClan." Moonflower: (see Beachball Snowkit) NNOOO! Oh Snowfur Why in these hard times? Thank you Bluestar. Bluestar was suprised to hear the medicine cat's reply. Her pelt ruffled in the breeze she looked at the moon. "Oakheart." Bluestar meowed. Juniper licked her side where she was kicked. Goose feathers: How many poppies did you eat? Bluestar felt pride swell in her, she knew Cinderpelt would live a better life as Cinderkit letting Leafpool be a great medicine cat. I started to pad away. . 1.6K Favourites. "Oh Bluestar." Bluestar let out a breath of anger. The Blog Monthly is back written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!
Ferncloud | Heroes Wiki | Fandom "Go on." My fur bristled. oakheart came and brought her to starclan. "Do not give up, you will be a medicine cat like no other, walking in the pawsteps of past medicine cats." "Leafpool," Bluestar meowed taking a step forward. "I'm going to see Oakheart," she mewed to her kin. I eat a lot every day to do my lazy work!
Thunderclan Stories | Quotev Bluestar: IT DIDN'T HAPPEN !!!!! Spottedleaf asked eyes filled with worry. warriorcats. are bluestar and oakheart mates in starclan. "Not really, Thrushpelt. Now go to sleep! Bluestar walked away and saw Spottedleaf and Yellowfang ,aruging. Among the StarClan cats, she noticed Moonflower, Stormtail and Snowfur. "You did the right thing. Bluestar purred back. hollyfrost is going to debate that bluestar shouldve chosen oakheart, like she did! "Somehow now I remember that game. Tigerstar. Many of the spirits yowled and cried with joy. Here is another place where we can get into trouble! Fireheart always was the fire that saved our Clan and I was proud. Bluekit: You apologize for ME?! I meowed to Whitestorm. Snowkit: only 555 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001. Bluestar hung her head.
Unpopular Opinion: Bluestar's arc would have been more - Reddit "Rosetail! "I failed, I just couldn't kill them". Scourge and Tigerstar wade through blood to power because that is their nature. Approximate individual price is $12.99 USD, and the three-pack bundle is $38.97 USD. He yowled. Yet she is baffled when, seasons later, RiverClan breaks what is supposed to be a time of peace with a devastating fight for Sunningrocks. Featherwhisker: Go and get whipped NOW! "Though how they change there will only be one great leader in my eyes" Oakheart said softly. Oakheart was a warrior and deputy of RiverClan under Hailstar's and Crookedstar's leaderships respectively in the forest territories. Oakheart asked with a little nervous voice "yes. Her soul came out of her body waiting for some cat to lead her to StarClan. "Leafpool," She croaked.
List of Warriors characters - Wikipedia Secret Escape", Mistyfoot sighed. Redtail called out. Bluestar smiled. Ferncloud is a supporting character in the Warriors series. Are you ready for Fireheart's nine lives?" ", I nodded, narrowing my eyes. Now lets go to your new home.." I let a small tear fall from my cheek and led my kit to StarClan. Consider creating an account! Bluestar let out a small breath. "Finally. she may have not loved him as she loved oakheaert, but as i said before, bluestar even said she couldve been happy with him.. I need to save my Clan. Bluestar ignored them and saw Oakheart come over. One day you can. Snowkit: Let's count the elders for stories! It was like Mistyfoot and Stonefur heard me as they let tears fall on my hollow body. i think bluestar did love thrushpelt- but just as a friend. Bluestar asked "he's hunting with Crookedstar over there in the River" Mosskit pointed her tail in the River "have you eat yet?" Oakheart glanced over to me and gasped. Cinderpelt never got a chance to be in StarClan! I turned and faced Lionheart. + Bluestar sat by Cinderpelt in the medicine den, only visable to Cinderpelt. You will be Firestar, the light of ThunderClan. But Blackfoot padded over to Stonefur and tackled him. It's like eating.
Skyeye :( (@_skyeyei_) | TikTok 33 Bluestar and starclan ideas | warrior cat, warrior cats, warrior One of the greatest the forest has ever known. "Loyal to all." I slowly faded and was going back to StarClan. "But how?" Mate: Oakheart: Deceased, verified StarClan member Son: Stonefur: Deceased, verified StarClan member Daughters: Mosskit: Deceased, verified StarClan member Mistystar: Deceased, verified StarClan member Foster son: Whitestorm: Deceased, verified StarClan member Mother: Moonflower . "You're so weak now! Oakheart purred reasurring her. okay, so now were going start debating. I wish they could. They can have a father if you want. Suddenly, everything started to disappear and Firestar was waking up. "Good." [ I don't own the cover art ] An AU where Bluestar never broke up with Oakheart, and Rusty and Princess are born in their second litter of kits! Bluekit: I will run away because I do not care if my Clan rises. Bluestar turned and faced Moonflower. "Thank you Bluestar." Bluestar felt sadness swell inside of her. She saw so many familer and unfamiler pelts. Bluekit: (eats ladder) BBBLLEEEAARRGGGHH!!! Snowfur padded over and touched noses with her. You have served your Clan well, but now it is time you live in StarClan. I HAVE A SET OF OIL! I was right beside them, my body was there but my spirit was also there. No cat will be forgotten. (Cough) Oakheart: I keep you, but you are not a tool, and the warrior code says you save the equipment. 2010-11-22 02:09:03. Yellowfang spoke. Snowkit: Oh-nevermind. Goosefeather: Bluekit You're going to be killed by a monster . Snowkit: Shouldn't you clean up the disease? Look inside this book! Yellowfang lashed her tail in fury, her pelt bristling. "I missed you son." He meowed.
Bluestar | Warrior Cats Wiki | Fandom Bluestar meowed. Mumblefoot: Easy! Let your jaw do the work. "Where's Stormtail?" In the morning Bluestar and Oakheart are eating then a white and grey kit ran to them "good morning" Mosskit said happily "good morning Mosskit" Bluestar meowed "I slept with Minnowkit and Willowkit last night and it was warm" Mosskit said "where's your brother?" she may have not loved him as she loved oakheaert, but as i said before, bluestar even said "she could've been happy with him.". And how you can scold me for all that chaos, I don't know. Want to edit and see less ads? Clan information Top 5 Cats with HUGE insecurities by Riverspirit, Was Goosefeather really delusional?
Bluestar | Warriors Wiki | Fandom