We need to finish putting up the wall that Trump started. He was concerned about the situation in Ukraine. Delaware's Kent County last missed in 1992. And the thing is, when they have these laws now that they arent enforcing, what good is another law going to be? MORE evidence: It looks like Biden outperformed only in counties that There are 22 counties in the US that managed to vote for the winning party in every single election from 1988 to 2016. This year, Vigo went for Trump by nearly 15 points, roughly the same as in 2016. He said hes had trouble getting a job for much of his life, because he was found guilty of a felony drug offense as a young man. That was a blow to the area, Miller said about Peloton ending its plans for a $400 million project. RIDGWAY, Pa.Tucked into a wooded valley in north-central Pennsylvania is the bellwether borough of Ridgway, the county seat of Elk County. The Wall Street Journal and The Epoch Times independently analyzed the results of 19 counties around the United States that have nearly perfect presidential voting records over the last 40 years. Your email address will not be published. Tammy said that with the lakefront area being a popular spot for fishing and tourists, the price of gas always has been higher than average. Why are you trying so hard to get this one guy out of office? he said of the disproven Russian collusion accusations and the presidents impeachment. Hes concerned about big government, burdensome regulations, and encroachments on the Constitution. Jason Armagost of Mudbeards Bikes and Boards has chosen to stay out of politics and doesnt vote. As the 2022 mid-term elections near (May 3 in Ohio), one might think that the Republican and Democratic headquarters might be open and in full swing, but at both party offices the week of Feb. 21, the lights were out and no one was occupying the desks inside or answering the phones. Thats a highly Democratic area, but people see whats going on and theyre not happy, Sam said. TERRE HAUTE, Ind.For well over a century, voters in Vigo County, Indiana, have backed the winner in almost every presidential election. We use cookies on this site to understand how you use our content, and to give you the best browsing experience. But thats not the picture I look at. The northern portion of the county, in towns such as Rossford and Northwood, is the blue-collar and working-class crowd and Perrysburg is home to upscale housing developments. The counties tend to be clustered in the Midwest and the Northeast, with only four of the counties not falling into one of those regions, they said. She said her husband will vote for Trump, too. Until we have term limits for politicians, this country doesnt have a prayer.. And the media is just taking it overboard., Shepherd said of Trump: I do know that he is not a selfish person. He likes that Trump upholds law and order amid the social unrest. He also intends to vote in personto ensure his vote is counted that day, although he used a mail-in ballot to vote in the primary. As a father, I would be curious about what my kids are doing.. This includes personalizing content and advertising. Most of the jobs up here are part-time or seasonal. Nothing is free, Hawker said. It could be said that Ottawa County is one of the top bellwether counties in Ohio, if not the country. I quit voting once out of the union.. Hes feeding people, instead of beating them up, to get stuff accomplished. Copyright 2000 - 2023 The Epoch Times Association Inc. All Rights Reserved. We need to make sure we keep our gun rights.. The voter shift is happening statewide, and despite Democrats having 750,000 more registered voters, Republicans have gained 75,000 since 2016, while Democrats have lost 91,000. Election Results 2014: The Bellwethers - The New York Times The legislature of Orange County, New York, unanimously passed a revised spending plan of close to $75 million in federal COVID-19 . It was everything, all at once, all of a sudden. Its the rural American, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment county that gave the edge to Barack Obama in 2008. Hes an elitist and just couldnt keep his mouth shut. Robert Ellithorpe, an 84-year-old great grandfather, and Navy aviation veteran said he believed the 2020 presidential election was legitimate and Biden received 80 million votes. Only one, Clallam County in Washington, went for former Vice President Joe Biden and only by about a three-point margin. 16 of 17 Bellwether Counties Went for Trump - Stillness in the Storm Your email address will not be published. The ones he lost went to Biden by a margin of about 4 points on average. Michael Sakal is a former reporter for The Epoch Times. This is a high farming community.. Peloton plans to complete construction on the building on its 200-acre property and sell it, but will downsize its workforce. Plastic cups and straws also have been hard to come by because they require natural gas in their manufacturing process. Weve never done that before.. I mean the whole world ought to be mad at China, we should all be going to war against them. Paul hopes that one day he can save enough money to buy himself a car, so he can drive to Florida and reunite with his family. I dont think you should take that away from me.. Bellwether Counties Went Overwhelmingly for Trump in 2020 Peoples common sense level is cooked. I am under that impression. Because of the current situation, I have to look at our finances and say, Can I get this new truck, can I hire these two to three new employees, can we go into this new line of business? Rob Portmans seat, Coppeler said. Tom Wolf overstepped his boundaries during the pandemic. In both of the missteps, the residents wrongly picked the losing Democrat: Williams Jennings Bryan over President William Taft in 1908 and Adlai Stevenson over President Dwight Eisenhower in 1952. He was an apprentice and then a journeyman in a local steamfitters union for about 10 years before he was laid off. Theres too much corruption. Both Hidalgo and Valencia County, New Mexico, are close to 60 percent Hispanic. Greg Abbott of Texas as a possible presidential candidate. His message to Trump is: Shut up and quit twittering. He also drives more than 40 miles from Marblehead to Wellington to pick up his truck. Im not happy with the way things are now. Fact check: What's true about the 2020 election, vote counting Copyright 2000 - 2023 The Epoch Times Association Inc. All Rights Reserved. No one who spoke to The Epoch Times had anything positive to say about Wolfs continued shutdowns in the state. Hes concerned a Biden administration would mean an end to fracking, higher gas prices, and utility bill hikes. I feel that if Trump is president again, that will cease. I believe in what they call entitlement programs, Hamilton said. Mike DeWine is running for reelection and facing candidates Joe Blystone, Jim Renacci, and Ron Hood in the primary. (Cara Ding/The Epoch Times). Just like a hurricane, you can try to prepare for it the best you can, but you never know what kind of damage it is going to cause. Also, spare a thought for Webster County in Georgia. I think thats what the world needed. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. He is just outspoken and doesnt filter what he is saying.. One such claim is that Trumps victories in 2020 in the vast bulk of the counties that had previously been labeled as bellwethers proved that Trump really won the election and was denied the victory because of fraud. Logistics are a nightmare, Miller said. Ottawa County is on the doorstep of a Democratic stronghold, about 35 miles east of Toledo in neighboring Wood County. The candidate who curiously outperformed the bellwether counties? Trump We have become so divided. One older woman with a Biden sign outside her home simply said, Im voting for Biden, and thats all Ive got to say.. Its too big. Those dollars wont be there, because people will be buying gas. Itll be interesting to see who wins Sen. Just off Interstate 75 at the Pemberville/Bowling Green exit, is Frickers, a popular eatery and gathering place for people of all ages, whereChris Chamberlin ofBowling Green works as the restaurants manager. Youre not getting anybody perfect. They can try all they can to prevent whatever they want to prevent, but nature is going to run its course, no matter what, Tisdell said. Now, being more than $3 a gallon, people are beginning to notice it more as its putting a pinch on their wallets. Donald Trump Won Record 16 Bellwether Counties - Swarajyamag bellwether counties epoch timesjury duty summons date vs reporting date Get Business Credit and Financing To Grow Your Business!!! Biden has talked both ways, so its hard for me to really grasp where he is on the issue. Note: This article gives the views of the author, and not the position of USAPP American Politics and Policy, nor the London School of Economics. Two states have announced recounts. A state is considered a "bellwether state" if it usually . Tisdell wanted to find out for himself, so he began to do his own research, reading mainstream news on both sides, as well as reports by independent citizen journalists. We and the rest of the states boards of elections have been directed by the Ohio Secretary of States Office to hold the election on May 3. By registering for the newsletter, you agree to the, New Crew From US, Russia, and UAE Arrives at Space Station, LIVE NOW: Biden Awards Medal of Honor to Retired Army Col. Paris Davis, We Have to Pay Our Sins: Lawmakers Must Negotiate Way Out of US Debt Crisis: Sen. Manchin, Suspect Charged After Chicago Officer Dies After Shootout, Nevada Approves $330 Million in Tesla Tax Abatements Over Gigafactory Expansion. bellwether - Political Dictionary You have to take the lesser of two evils. Florida's I-4 corridor: Where presidents get picked By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies, revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. After the 46-state landslide, James Farley, Roosevelts campaign manager, revised the theory: As goes Maine, so goes Vermont.. Over the past nearly 40 years, presidential elections have observed an intriguing phenomenon: 19 counties in the nation have always voted for the winner, be it Republican or Democrat. In particular, recent research which identified nineteen bellwether counties found that they "tended to be whiter, older, less educated, have lower median incomes, have a lower percentage of workers in the labor force, and have higher rates of vacant housing than the country as a whole." They caused this, they brought it on because they dont like him, Fannin said. The counties are also mostly small and rural. It also has a failing manufacturing sector with once Democratic-leaning union workers who may have found Trumps America First message appealing in recent years. The Epoch Times spoke with some voters in Terre Haute and surrounding towns on Oct. 20 to get a glimpse of the bellwether mood ahead of the presidential election. Taking the pulse in Vigo County, Indiana, which has voted for the presidential winner in all but two elections over the past century, Cara is an Orange County, New York-based Epoch Times reporter. Were offering a $250 bonus if someone can work 20 or more hours during their first four weeks of employment with us. Republican registrations have increased from 8,467 on Nov. 9, 2016, to 9,960 as of Sept. 17 this year. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies, revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. The simple answer is that chance effects can be much greater than most people realize. Im not even sure what direction were going.. Logistically, its a disaster. And then theres Vigo Countyin Indianathe quintessential bellwether that has correctly picked the winner in all but two elections since 1888. Ever since COVID started, it hasnt gotten any better.. Bernard Grofman University of California, Irvine Visual inspection suggests that, like other counties, they voted in 2020 roughly as they did in 2016; given this (and given that many of these counties went solidly for Trump in 2016), it is unsurprising that Biden won only one of them. A Guide To The Election 'Guides' - NPR.org Of Wood Countys 92,119 registered voters, 9,479 of them are Democrats, 8,315 are Republicans, and 74,240 are independents, according to numbers from the Board of Elections. County residents had voted for the presidential candidate who won the White House for nearly 60 years, since Democrat Lyndon Johnson won in 1964, according to the Ottawa County Board of Elections. No evidence for systematic voter fraud: A guide to statistical claims While these are the top bellwether counties, there are many more that are considered to be predictive. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies, revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. When gas went up that time, our sales went down to zero, Zulch said. That is, until this year. The unhappiness and unsatisfactory conditions have spread similar to the way COVID-19 has, a truck driver by the name of Sam, who also was at Wee Willys, told The Epoch Times. Elk Countys approximately 15,000 residents that go to the polls have voted for the eventual winner in all but three presidential elections since 1932in 1940, 1968, and 2012. Washington state's Clallam County was the outlier, backing Joe Biden in a state he won by more than 19 points. The Princeton political scientist, Edward Tufte opens his 1975 co-authored article on bellwethers with: Prior to the 1936 presidential election, the conventional political wisdom had it that as Maine voted, so went the rest of the nation. In a video posted to Twitter on Thursday, Trump 2020 Campaign Senior Advisor for Strategy Steve Cortes took a deep dive into the 2020 election data regarding President Donald Trump's overwhelmingly dominant performance in the United States' bellwether counties, adding to the statistical improbability of a Joe Biden electoral victory. They also found that high-scoring counties exhibit a geographic trend. Wood (population 132,248), and Ottawa, are known as bellwether counties for picking the presidential candidate who wins the White Housebut it is uncertain whether Wood County can maintain. Under a changed political landscape in Ottawa County, Commissioner Mark Coppeler, a Republican, also looked at the bigger picture. That doesnt make sense to me, Tisdell said. America's most accurate bellwether counties, regions that have a reputation for accurately picking the president, got the presidential election completely wrong. We need jobs up here, good-paying full-time jobs, she added. The City Center festival continued with Kyiv City Ballet, a Christopher Wheeldon duet and a daring work for Dayton Contemporary Dance Company. When there was, we were making money pulling people out of ditches.. There isnt anything I can do to change it or to make it better by voting.. The 2012 outcome seemed to be the beginning of a more robust shift to the right for the countywhile the state reelected Obama, Elk County had already moved on. At least Biden is honest, he said. The Epoch Times spoke with some voters in Terre Haute and surrounding towns on Oct. 20 to get a glimpse of the bellwether mood ahead of the presidential election. We can place an order and immediately get an email back of what they dont have. Our infrastructure is in bad shape.. Those who believe that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election have held up his victories in many bellwether counties as evidence of electoral fraud. Ohios Ottawa County: Staying Afloat as One of the Top Bellwether Counties in the Country. In the northwest corner of Ohio sits a county with an enviable bellwether reputationonly twice over the past 60 years voting against the presidential winner. Republican Gov. For example, if we call a county a bellwether if it has one less correct match than the number of elections in a sequence, we will get nearly 19 bellwethers even in a set of eleven elections, and in a set of seven elections, we will see 197 bellwethers far more than the 27 we would find under our assumptions when we require a bellwether to have an unblemished record of predictive success. List of election bellwether counties in the United States Although longtime county residents say that Wood County is in pretty good shape overallas there has been some recent industrial development on its north sideit also has been affected by national issues such as inflation, the price of gasoline, supply chain issues, and workforce shortages. And then you have the Biden folks that are like, This is just nutty,' he said. If he wouldve just kept his mouth shut , Im not happy with the way things are now, Beggs added. The insulting back and forth really bothers me about any candidate, Myers said. This belief in the efficacy of small numbers is probably strengthened by the fact that a random sample of only 2,000 or so voters is considered by statisticians large enough to predict election results in an electorate of well 140 million or so at least if the sample is truly random and the respondents are not lying either about their preferences or the likelihood that they will vote in the election. For Brendon, another resident of Riley who declined to disclose his last name, his spiritual belief will lead him not to vote at all this year. Its home to four universities, filled with many Democratic-leaning students. The 19 bellwethers tend to be poorer, whiter, older, and less educated than the rest of the country, according to an August paper by researchers from the University of Denver and the University of New Hampshire. Workforce shortages are mostly everywhere, he said. Myerss morals include being respectful to others, and he thinks Trump has failed in that regard. Its population is 60% white and 27% Black. Miller doesnt hesitate to say that he isnt happy with the current state of affairs and he doesnt know who hell vote for in the next presidential election. He told The Epoch Times that hes facing workforce shortages and currently only has 18 cookshalf of what he normally would have. The counties are also mostly small and rural. Hes happy about the passage of the First Step Act, criminal justice reform that Trump signed into law in 2018, which includes decreased sentences for some drug crimes, and also makes it easier to get out of prison early for good behavior. Hawker told The Epoch Times he voted for Trump in both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, and if he wouldve been re-elected, the country wouldnt be facing the problems they are having now. Thats about 43 percent of the eligible voters in the country, according to a study of nonvoters overseen by professors at Tufts University and Stony Brook University. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times). Our mission is to put on honest elections.. Bellwether County Portends a Red Pennsylvania in 2020 Election This year, the local courthouse in Ridgway has been bustling with new voter registrations and party affiliation changes. When you were in the union, they always wanted you to vote for Democrats, Paul said. Eleven of the nineteen were located in just six Midwestern states, and Wisconsin alone is home to four, they said. Ron DeSantis, Miller said he likes Gov. The Upper Mississippi River Valley and it [sic] surrounding area in particular appears to be an epicenter of these high-scoring bellwethers., Teresa Shepherd stands in front of her daughters house in Seelyvilee, Ind., on Oct. 20, 2020. bellwether counties epoch times I think we needed somebody like him.. In politics, the term often applies in a metaphorical sense to characterize a geographic region where political tendencies match in microcosm those of a wider area, such that the result of an election in the former region might predict the eventual result in the latter. However, the political viewpoints of its residents are mixed as they have become more wary and leery of the government. In 2016, nearly 100 million eligible Americans didnt vote. Sam said he has noticed that the farmers arent happy, and their kids have to take a side job in the factory because of the economic situation. . With the price of gas going up, Zulch is afraid of a return to high fuel prices caused by Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana 16 years ago and that soaring costs will again hurt his business. The 19 bellwether counties are highlighted in red. The registered Republican voters (8,455) outnumber the registered Democrats (6,731) in Ottawa County. Even wearing a mask, youre still not certain. I dont listen to the news. Data de l'entrada martin county clerk of court jobs; whats wrong secretary kim dramawiki . Even if the mean likelihood of a match between county and presidential outcome is exactly 50 percent, in the classic argument offered by Deutsch and Madow in 1961, on the appearance of wisdom in large organizations, some counties will, by chance alone, have high records of predictive success and some may even have perfect records, especially if there are many counties and if we limit the number of elections over which we are requiring successful predictions. While Zulch said he voted for Trump in both presidential elections, he says hell have to wait and see who runs before saying who he would vote for in 2024. Unbridled Evil: The Corrupt Reign of Jiang Zemin in China. Nestled along Lake Erie in the northwest of the state between Toledo and Cleveland, the area has a population of 40,364, according to the 2020 Census. But, he said, he also doesnt complain. Like all-or nothing bellwethers, counties that closely tracked the election for 12 consecutive elections failed to continue that form for a 13th time. Port Clinton, Ohio. Unbridled Evil: The Corrupt Reign of Jiang Zemin in China. (Michael Sakal/The Epoch Times). He received his bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Toledo and a Masters degree in electrical engineering from Northwestern in Illinois. Biden Extends National Emergency Due to Extraordinary Threat of Russian Actions in Ukraine, Tulsi Gabbard Says Election Fraud a 'Serious Threat,' Announces Bill Targeting Ballot Harvesting. Moreover, once we allow for bellwethers to have less than perfect records of success, the expected numbers of bellwethers increases much more rapidly than most (including us) would expect. Jacobs said she absolutely intends to vote in person on Nov. 3. Her husband, a groundskeeper at an Army Reserve base, comes from a strongly Democratic family. They run the gamut from. Trump wasnt Tom TO Fitchs first choice in the 2016 primaryhe voted for Sen. Ted Cruz. Bobby Tisdell stands in front of his home in West Terre Haute, Vigo County, Ind., on Oct. 20, 2020.
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