Time away from the limelight allowed Sharon to recentre herself, and upon graduating from Waseda University with a Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree in 2011, she returned to Singapore with an invigorated sense of purpose and identity. Sharon Au was all ready to bid au revoir to her life in Paris and return home for good when the COVID-19 pandemic hit Singapore in February. Sharon also shared a photo on Instagram Storyof Rudon looking at a police officer in the apartment. In an intimate corner space away from prying eyes, Sharon launches into the story of the first time she ran away from home with great zeal. Putting up such a front made Au question if she was really that happy all the time, and whether she had lost sight of herself. Copyright 2023 Mediacorp Pte Ltd. All rights reserved. On reflection, the biggest regret I have is probably not having children and experiencing motherhood. "Life is all about connections. She was. Hosted by deejays Zhong Kunhua and Nico Weibin, local and overseas celebrity guests share snippets of their lives on the radio show and how they have been keeping busy during the lockdown. It was only when I turned 30 that I realised how much I disliked myself, she remarks. I drew a complete blank and had nothing to wish for. In April 2011, she went back to MediaCorp to serve her 6-year bond. I wished I had at least saved more, or at least invested.". I am not. After her resignation, she movedto Paris because she wanted to start afreshbut no one there would hire her. It's a milestone and you've worked so hard. You never know maybe I already had the virus because [before the lockdown in France] I still went to concerts. Rembrandts Philosopher in Meditation hanging in the Muse du Louvre is dearest to her. It takes courage, strength, self-awareness to break away from the comfort of familiarity, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Nobody had felt anything. I was a people-pleaser because I was insecure, she says. But now, through acting, the anguish can be released rather than hidden. The former actress-host moved to the City of Love in 2018 and had been working as an investment director in a private equity firm. In the World War ah?". Richard Kennedy Head of Compliance & Operational Risk Control. I kept asking myself: Who is really Sharon Au? she admits. Au also posted an Instagram story featuring what appears to be a police officer - in a uniform sporting the French words "identite judiciaire" (forensic services) - conducting investigations inside her apartment, while her cat looks on. Currently, Sharon Au works as a Associate Lawyer at Investment Management Corporation of Ontario. She exhibited none of the imperialism of a celebrity, made no desire to separate herself from others, and was just as unassuming as your next door neighbour. Money Money Home premiered Nov 18 and new episodes are releasedevery Thursday; catch itfor free on meWATCH. When a reporter called to verify the rumour, Au laughed and lamented, "Why you curse me?". Apr 2007 - Jul 20169 years 4 months. When ST asked Au for more information about the extent of the housebreaking and its aftermath, she declined to elaborate and apologised that she is not well enough yet at this point to reveal more. Even today if you asked me, I really felt the earthquake. Sharon didn't go into details about the meeting, including its purpose or who was present, but the last positions she held prior to her departure wereas the publisher for Elle Singapore and the lead of styleXstyle.com.
People were convinced that she had a terminal illness of some sort, hence the drop-everything-and-move-to-Paris decision. The couple created a joint bank account and matched their monthly savings dollar-by-dollar, which freed Darren from his debts. This was after she had completed her overseas studies and was serving her bond with the company on the corporate end. He was so shocked to know that because to him, I was someone very capable and talented, and someone he admired.. Now, I can finally become somebody that I want to be. Upon hearing Sharon utter those words, Rumis quote of Forget safety. She added: While we were eating, he asked me how work was, and I told him I didnt have a job and couldnt find one. I choose to strike first. "I've been pushing myself, my entire first 40 years of my life. Perhaps I was feeling too vulnerable back then. She subsequently left the clinic before she even got to see the doctor. But since her Japan and Paris escapades, she is recognising the importance of writing her own narrative. Its ok, the next best thing is to be a nanny and play with my friends beautiful kids! she went on to say, adding the hashtag c'est la vie which roughly means such is life. I was once in her position too, supporting quietly while my boyfriend read in a candle-lit room, Sharon confesses. With more time on her hands, Sharon got reacquainted with her artistic side and started to write a lot. An unsympathetic man with his gaze fixed on his computer, the doctor only looked at Au once, when she stopped talking. A part of their dialogue went something like this: Doctor: Nowadays everybody depression ah? From a cabaret girl in the 1998 stage musical, Beauty World to a bubbly radio presenter in the sitcom Right Frequency, she made every single character believable. As a provocateur and an innovator in technique, Rembrandt was constantly reinventing himself. They also try to psycho you to work at home because 1) more relax environment = better work rate 2) they don't need to pay OT. He was alone in the apartment and witnessed everything. Send in your scoops to news@theindependent.sg, The Independent News & Media Pte Ltd, Singapore, Sharon Au left Mediacorp because she was reprimanded for her ideas. I began to like myself more when I didnt have to please people.. Health Care, Managed Care, Behavioral Health and Health IT. The motorcycle loversaid: "And not just that, it actually helped me build our future nest. When she realised telling jokes drew people to her and made her forget about the dreary realities of life, Au started living through that persona.
Former Mediacorp star Sharon Au, now living in Paris, speaks of her I wish every day is October. All rights reserved. Sharon Au's apartment in Paris was broken into on April 30.
Sharon Au Has Quit Her Director Position in Paris After Her House Got At the Singapore launch event for her French Culinary school Ti Yan Academy on Dec. 19, the actress-turned-investment director was vivacious. This was after four consecutive years, from 2000 to 2003, of winningBest Variety Show Host at the Star Awards. Former Singaporean celebrity Sharon Au shared her ideas at work and she was scolded for it and she then dramatically resigned from Mediacorp in 2018. in the 90s, where she would regale audiences nightly with her lively anecdotes and witty banter alongside co-hosts Kym Ng and Bryan Wong. [6] She also went to Jean Moulin University Lyon 3 in France for a year as part of Waseda University's One-Year international Exchange Program. She said in that 2018 interview: "For example, when I'm on the train, I don't use my phone because it will be snatched away. Sharon Au moved to the City of Love in 2018 and had been working as an investment director in a private equity firm. In Paris, I was able to dive deep into my psyche and I got to know myself all over again. graduating from Waseda University with a Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree in 2011, she returned to Singapore with an invigorated sense of purpose and identity. Imed Souki I hoped that by being famous, my parents would notice me and regret that they had left. find the elusive answer to that question, she packed her bags once moreonly this timeshe headed to Paris instead of Japan. . French Ambassador, Marc Abensour together with patron, Sharon Au , spoke to CNA yesterday on the Voilah France Singapore Festival. Wei-Sun has READ MORE Executive Director, Asset Management Sebastian Domenech Joined in 2016 When I ask for the reason behind her move, she pauses before replying:I disliked myself in Singapore, because it was all about advancing my career. There is another side to Sharon that sets her apart from many of her peersher sharp business acumen. Sharon Hicks. However, she had been accused of mimicking an Indian accent during the SEA Games opening ceremony. I eat very normal food so that I can stretch my cash as long as possible.". We're encouraged to speak up, beinnovative, and suggest fresh and creative ideas. Au: I studied there for six years, so I've gotten used to it, very different. I got home, switched on my laptop, andtyped outmy resignation letter.". In October 2018, she found an overseas job as an investment director in a private equity firm based in Paris, France. I got $95 on that day.
Ex-host Sharon Au quits job after her Paris home is burgled, re Mums cool response? I never had a proper home, and moved every year, Sharon says. She graduated from Waseda University in Tokyo with a Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree in 2011.[3]. I drew a complete blank and had nothing to wish for. Then, Singapore was the third country to report cases of the coronavirus and was one of the worst-hit outside China, so the former actress-host, who now works as an investment director in a private equity firm in Paris, was understandably worried for her mum back home. She wrote: "My apartment was broken into 11 days ago. Be notorious, echoes in my head. I went to watch Madonna! For Sharon Au, who resigned from Mediacorp in 2018 before securing a new job, it gave her a temporary place to stay. Pittsburgh, PA. Sharon Hicks.
NCCS Cancer Fund - National Cancer Centre Singapore Her deep love for the arts grew when she recognised its value, serving as a mirror of her life.
Sharon Au quits investment director job in Paris after apartment robbed "Life is all about connections. The counselling, together with anti-depressants, eventually redeemed Au from the clutches of depression. I didnt want to leave baby Sharon, but I kept telling her that everything would be okay. I fell in love with the country and knew I had to come back today. Picture: Instagram. AsiaOne contacted Mediacorp regarding her comments and the response was that they were unable to comment on the personal decision made by Sharon Au. Sharon said: "When I was job hunting, I didn't even want to spend on rent. Sharon Au kena complained by colleagues in France for being 'Singaporean' After her resignation, she moved to Paris because she wanted to start afresh but no one there would hire her. But startled once more into action by the incident at work,Au went to the Institute of Mental Health (IMH). You must grab on to the connections you make and it helps to have a benefactor," she said at that time. Prices start from S$138 for an express programme, and go up to S$688 for a professional course. Most of the time in our workplace, we want to be the best and contribute to the company so that everyone can grow together. Nonetheless, Au thoroughly enjoyed her six years in Japan so much so that she fell into depression and post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) when she had to leavein 2011, after an earthquake took the lives of more than 19,000 people.
Sharon Au's Parisian colleagues don't know she's a celeb because of That was when she knew she had to get serious help. Get unlimited access to all stories at $0.99/month for the first 3 months. [13] Intending to take a year of sabbatical, she instead applied for a job at a private equity firm after spending two months in Paris, France. He ceaselessly searched for new stylistic modes of expression much like how Sharon has been working on the latest version of herself that she likes best. It was only when I turned 30 that I realised how much I disliked myself. "Aggressive" and "ambitious" were the words Au used to describe herself. During the late 1990s she was best known for co-hosting City Beat with Kym Ng and Bryan Wong. As an actress and a host for more than 10 years of her life, Sharon is used to following a script that doesnt give her any agency.
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Sharon Au slept on her friend's sofa for 6 months while - AsiaOne And in January this year, she started Ti Yan, an online culinary academy that teaches the art of French cooking. Money Money Home premiered Nov 18 and new episodes are releasedevery Thursday; catch itfor free on meWATCH. Despite being thousands of miles apart, Sharon says their mother-daughter relationship has improved since the pandemic. Doctor: "You know Japanese killed a lot of people ah? [2], Au attended CHIJ Saint Nicholas Girls' School (Secondary) and Hwa Chong Junior College in Singapore. View Sharon Starick's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. The boxes represent her personal insecurities and perceived societal expectations that she puts upon herself, while the straight, rigid lines of her frame depict her unwavering, by-the-book approach. What do you do with your first paycheck? It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan, and the fourth most powerful in modern history. Back in 2018, both Sharon and Mediacorp released statements announcing her resignation. The 46-year-old, who first moved to Paris in 2018, said: "I think I need to heal first and reevaluate life here in France.". But Sharon doesnt like Picasso. Her ability to connect with the masses wasnt her only repertoire of skills; there wasnt a role Sharon couldnt embody. Dan Persson Chief Risk Officer. Agreeing that self-improvement should be classed as a 'need' rather than a 'want', Sharon revealed that she's been investing in yoga and pilates classes, as well as on music lessons and musical instruments. And all of this began when she was only in primary school. All rights reserved.
The Emancipation of Sharon Au | High Net Worth Does Joo Chiat Need Another Italian Joint? The 46-year-old is working as an investment director at a private equity firm in Paris. In 2017, she was appointed as the publisher for ELLE Singapore as part of Mediacorps move from print to digital. I identify with the woman at the fireplace. I had everything, yet I felt a huge void, she says. And from then on, I changed the way I lived, Sharon reveals with a tenderness in her voice. She said: "I forgot myself ina meeting and started sharing my ideas excitedly and I got told off for it. The truth is our paths have crossed before.
IFM Investors - Infrastructure Team Luckily for her, a former Mediacrop chairman invited her out for dinner when he was in Paris for work. Destroy your reputation. Since then Sharon has changed 5 companies and 5 roles. We become what we chase after. [8], In 2012, she started and led styleXstyle.com (a property of MediaCorp Pte Ltd), focusing fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Woodlands had dinosaurs before it was cool. "We start with French culture in particular, and French . Before we say au revoir, though, Au will star in an upcoming Chinese play "Sages of the Bamboo Grove", at the Esplanade onJan 31 and Feb. 1, 2020. The former actress-host moved to Paris in 2018 and worked as an investment director at a private equity firm there. Founder and Executive Director: Finding the balance between people, place and power. When contacted by AsiaOne regarding Sharon's comments, a Mediacorp spokesperson said they were "unable to comment on the personal decision made by Sharon Au". This is further endorsed when she clinched the Star Awards for Best Variety Show Host for four consecutive years from 2000 to 2003. Tokyo was fun, as I could have the childhood I never had. And you can't beat me at Scrabble. So I didn't go for that treatment.". The next day I told him it's not possible, he told me I had 8 hrs. The erstwhile TV host is not only garrulous but also adept at the art of storytelling. Copyright 2020 Mothership. For Darren, the father-of-four has been into watercolour painting, playing the celloand pottery. Since then, Au has treasured the "second chance" to embrace life again. Time away from the limelight allowed Sharon to recentre herself, and upon. Running away has always been Sharons source of comfort, a constant theme in her life that she has grown to be familiar with. Since I was young, I was thrown from place to place. "It's for people who do not have the proficiency in French, to be able to have relatable access to the art of French cooking."
The more she dived into her work, the less time she had for herselfto a point where she suffered yet another identity crisis. Fraught with despair over her unexpected death, Sharon continued to deliver a stunning performance. Ms Au and Mediacorp released statements announcing her resignation back in 2018. Straight lines would now break away to form wavy curves, painted with flowing brush strokes in a riot of bright colours. . Aiyo, why so depressed? The 46-year-old is based in Paris, where she works as an investment director in a private equity firm.