Several missiles now fit the bill, but you still need to get round the issue of targeting information before you send it/them on their way. It does not stop Russia interfering in/invading Ukraine. Germany was starved to death in WW1 by the blockade of the North sea and WW2 bomber command destroyed its industrial might. Regardless of whatever you think about climate change, Greta whinberg ensures anyone over 25 gets irritated by her patronising childish ways. Itll make Snatch Landrover fiasco look trivial. How would you like me to paint Corbin and Johnson with the same brush? Exercise still underway, they go to the Med when its finished. At the same time, it has stepped up social media campaigns portraying Ukraine as aggressors. Clearly I could be wrong on this. Lithuanian Defence Minister Arvydas Anusauskas said today: 'In the current situation, we view the arrival of Russian armed forces in Belarus not only as a destabilising factor in the security situation but also as the one posing an even bigger direct threat to Lithuania.'. In a sense he might as well go for as much of Ukraine as he can get hold of because the penalties are just the same. 'It is the choice of President Putin and the Russians to make, whether they are going to suffer severe economic consequences or not.'. Thanks to covid and the forthcoming energy crisis the cupboard is bare. "Escorting the Russian task group alongside forces from our NATO allies has demonstrated the UKs commitment to the alliance and to maintaining maritime security. They are not a golden bullet. The two Russian vessels in the video released Wednesday are the first the military has announced operating off Hawaii since the new year. What you are saying is if the US had pre-positioned a couple thousand troops in Ukraine, it wouldve prevented Putin from planning and then sending 100,000+ troops to the border along with simultaneous exercises across all their armed forces around the globe including this one: Unless of course you are a Putin oligarch;0). You can unsubscribe at any time. If Russia invades what do they do next? . It is certainly andy reeves again! Er, US forces are in Poland and no doubt in the Ukraine. As they have plenty of gear around Ukraine already it makes sense that at least some of the 6 are bound for Tartus. The Royal Navy said it is tracking the frigate and the tanker movements with an HMS Portland frigate, as it could carry what is considered to be one of the world's deadliest weapons. The Army will undergo its most comprehensive modernisation since the 1980sIt will experiment its way to robotic and autonomous capabilities. HMS Tyne, HMS Richmond and HMS Kent jointly escorted the same group of Russian ships as they operated in the Celtic Sea. All it takes is for 1 to get through! 'Our view is this is an extremely dangerous situation,' said White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. They would be very worried about Wildcat with Sea Venom & Martlet, and Merlin Mk2 with Stingray capability. But the virus restrictions have meant few have been trained and tested to replace them. Meanwhile the potential peer foes, Russia and China, were very quietly building up their defensive forces initially and then offensive to a standard able to match a peer adversary. A mere 3 BGs in total and designed just to reassure the people of Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. Russian warships have been seen acting unusually off the south coast of Ireland. I think Putin is going to have to attack or look weak. Russian forces could expand the fighting in Donbass to draw Ukraine into a conventional conflict, said Neil Melvin, director of International Security Studies at the RUSI think-tank in London. NATO Aid to the Ukraine is not some knee jerk reaction to current events,there have been initiatives underway since independence in 1991,and especially since 2014,in the case of the UK under Operation Orbital. The Russian strongman will be sending warships within Ireland's maritime economic zone - around 240km off the southwest cost of Ireland. Some showed messages saying:'Be afraid and expect the worst.'. and Nuclear centrifuge assembly plants. whats next a russian build up around the baltic straits?or the chinese off tiawan? Tabloid sensationalism Im afraid Tommo. HITLER AND NAPOLEON DID AND LOOK WHERE IT GOT THEM. The Black Sea, which Russia uses to project its power in the Mediterranean, has for centuries been a flashpoint between Russia and its competitors such as Turkey, France, Britain and the United States. "By maintaining a visible and persistent presence, the Royal Navy ensures compliance with maritime law and deters malign activity to protect our nations interests. I see a German Navy Chief had to resign tonight, for making pro Russian comments. Kongsberg have said that it will also be fitted to NSM. The ships, which can each carry up to 25 armoured personnel carriers, were deployed three days ago but it remains unclear if they are heading for Ukraine. The guided missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov has been closely monitored by Nato navies on its maiden voyage armed with 6,670mph Zircon weapons. More info. Spot on Johnathan, nothing beats the smell of Cordite when doing a spread or up ladder SU shoot. US is now flying in warlike items to Ukraine. Which could be read either way. 'This is extremely dangerous. Russia summoned the British ambassador in Moscow for a formal diplomatic scolding after the warship breached what the Kremlin says are its territorial waters but which Britain and most of the world say belong to Ukraine. As @RB has posted a lack of ASM is not high on the list of RNs priorities, whatever the reasons. All vessels travelling through the Bosphorus have to book passage where a Turkish pilot will board to insure safe passage, that includes men of war irrespective of nationality. I was considering calling them coffins but ill go with obsolete. With pressure to take a more hawkish stance, he met Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Berlin to discuss the next steps. They hit targets of a 'simulated enemy' in 'large-scale' exercises involving 500 military personnel. Except, Trump isnt the President, its the weak Biden who sits in the oval office and has for a wee while now. , As you can see from the pic at the top the Russian ship is within visual range. Most likely require a supplementary MoD budget? An interesting question is how much does Kremlin insider Klyushin being in US custody have to do with the escalation? Also known as SPEAR capability 5. However, the IDF has a long standing policy of refusing to confirm or deny allegations ofRead more . The USA didnt pick UkraineRead more . We are now at a stage where Russia could at any point launch an attack on Ukraine.'. This is a normal response to transiting warships from other nations., Russian amphibious assault flotilla to transit English Channel. Nine Royal Navy ships have completed a "concentrated operation" to shadow seven Russian warships, the British Royal Navy said Thursday, citing "unusually high levels of activity" in the English . With what? Moscow has announced the 'successful' completion of tests on its Kinzhal - or Dagger - hypersonic missiles, which can carry nuclear or conventional weapons with a range of 1,250 miles, in the Arctic, though the weapons had been deployed with Russian forces ahead of the trials. Ukraine warns Russia has 'almost completed' build-up of forces near border - CNN. The proliferation of this capability within the new Russian Navy is profoundly changing its ability to deter, threaten or destroy adversary targets. NOTAMs will clear seaways fast, whilst the Falklands demonstrated the potency of AsUW back then. The Ukraininans particularly will give a good account of themselves. We do need more ships and we will increase the number of frigates in the years to come. Video shared by the US Coast Guard of a Russian ship near the Hawaiian Islands. Final talks on NI post-Brexit deal as UK PM meets EU chief - No 10. Hi Robert. Etc, etc. Any commander in defence now has Russian forces to the North, East, South and West; it could all get very tasty. Critics fear it will increase Germany's reliance on Russian energy supplies. Launch control was always in Moscow. Severn was also on patrol as the Vice-Admiral Kulakov sailed through the Channel. Missile attacks would take advantage of Ukraine's weaker anti-missile defences. So will Taiwan. Again, your assessment that putting 2,000 US troops into Ukraine before the status quo has changed, would not have detered 100,000+ troops amassing on the border or the worldwideRead more . SMs dont spend a lot of time having needless conversations with their controlling authority. Any toys the RN requires would magical appear on the Quay side, and the funds suddenly available. We are were we are now and it should have never have got to this point. The diplomat hit out at Germany for failing to match Britain's offer of military aid, with Berlin preferring to focus on the threat of sanctions. It just shows the Ruskis have sleepers in the German armed forces. Also Congress now has the Trump White House documents related to Jan 6. Russia has accused Kyiv of harbouring plans to retake the region by force, something Ukraine denies. KALIBR provides even modest platforms, such as corvettes, with significant offensive capability and, with the use of the land attack missile, all platforms have a significant ability to hold distant fixed ground targets at risk using conventional warheads. For other inquiries, Contact Us. Yes China has been throwing money at increasing the capabilities and sheer size of its military in it race to become the worlds dominant hyper-power. Two weeks ago nearly a dozen warships and combat aircraft from Russia's Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets gave a "show of force in the waters off the British and Irish coasts" General . Morning Sean. No they didnt. In this second scenario NATO troops/aircraft dont even need to be in Ukraine thereby making it difficult for Putin to complain. Yes, have to agree, Gallipoli wasnt one of our finest ever ventures. So the design probably dates back to the late 1960s / early 1970s, so getting a bit long in the tooth..! There was a table top exercise done by the Navy back in the late 80s. Genuine question did Ukraine have 100% complete control of the USSR nuclear weapons that had been stationed in its territory? get her back in dock and rebuild her from the inside out. Patrol ship HMS Tyne monitored two warships and an intelligence gathering vessel as they carried out replenishment operations with their supporting tanker. Pity we didnt keep developing the 6 system fitted to Tiger and Blake? Lots of disinformation out there I dont understand how Trump takes no blame on either side of the Atlantic for signing the peace deal with the Taliban of all groups but Biden blamed on this board with no push back. Id call it a battle group wholly equipped with obsolete AFVs. The Coast Guard said the ship is . (A-591), was officially commissioned into service at Istanbul Shipyard in Tuzla, Istanbul, on 14 January, smail Demir, head of Turkeys Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB), has announced. A capability upgrade as and when needed, might well happen. Once there they re establish the picture. It could be solved if Ukraine finally implemented the Minsk Protocol it signed in 2015. Trump was an idiot and poor president. I would say that is far more annoying than Greta who actually tries her best to practice what she preaches. Yep 100%. Erm, theres certain CO of a T23 on TV at the moment who disagrees with you not to mention Radakin hgiving HoC evidence, I havent see the show, so Ill take your word on it, Surely if Russia invades Ukraine theres gonna have to be big increases in defence and security spending were gonna have to reinforce all Eastern European alliance members for that matter any country world wide that feels threatened buy any powerful country, Hi Geordie, Youd think so. The Americans have just sent their first shipment of Aid to the Ukraine what was sent was classed as LETHAL Aid. It comes at a time when Russia has sparked fears of all . UK, US and some Baltic states seem to be the only ones that seem they maybe willing to fight. He told officials the UK stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the Baltic state a Nato ally. That basically, means the UK has signalled that it is disengaging from effective land operations in a NATO context. I am very much older than 25 and I find her far more grown up than most actual grown ups. Count on enhancing economic & financial cooperation. Asking whether Australia will sell us a handful of their Block II Harpoons; the practical solution to the (cancelled) interim AShM requirement? " Russian warship, go fuck yourself " [a] was the last communication made on 24 February 2022 during the Russian attack on Snake Island in Ukraine's territorial waters by border guard Roman Hrybov to the Russian missile cruiser Moskva. Its not a valid comparison in 2003 the Russian was in a post Yeltsin mess and in no way capable of acting as a deterrent to US forces. Russia has repeatedly denied that it is planning an invasion and instead demanded that NATO bar Ukraine from membership. Im not sure to be honest. I suspect if we dont show strength and unity now the fighting will inevitably come to us. A publicly available U.S. intelligence document said Russia could stage an invasion this month with up to 100 battalion tactical groups (BTGs) or some 175,000 troops. Their fears of nuclear led them to basically willingly put puppet strings on a number of important decisions the country will have to make. As far as Im aware there isnt any part of the channel that is not either British or French waters. A source familiar with the Russian Defence Ministry's thinking said this was the most likely scenario if Moscow decided to attack, but that he was unaware of any such decision. I have lost count how many times I have read about explosions in Iran over the past two years or so. In Moscow, Russia summoned Ambassador Deborah Bronnert for a reprimand over what it said were Britain's "dangerous" action in the Black Sea - while foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused London of "barefaced lies". On western side it was concern that with the post Soviet economic collapse theyd end up in very dodgy countries hands. Clearly they have something on him-most probably a secret video of Trump in bed with some Russian beauty! Blocking the straits is a far cry than just a few drone attacks. I think you have hit the nail on the head. A pair of those would make a proper mess of todays warships. But do we have the money or willingness in the population to spend what money we have on defence rather than health or social services for example? Thu Feb 3 2022 - 19:50. 'We are asking for more, and we are expecting to have more,' Mr Prystaiko told BBC Radio 4's Today programme. What sonar or anti submarine equipment will t31 possess? The jams at US West Coast ports have been due to the global supply chain being out of whack. If Russia did invade the Ukraine, could/would the UK and France deny Russia access through the channel? According to French newspaper La Voix du Nord, another Russian tanker appeared to be heading to the Atlantic Ocean, sailing along the Boulonnais coast on the Strait of Dover, 20 miles away from Great Britain. Turkeys first dedicated intelligence-gathering ship, TCGUfuk(A-591), was officially commissioned into service at Istanbul Shipyard in Tuzla, Istanbul, on 14 January, smail Demir, head of Turkeys Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB), has announced. As for the numbers unvaccinated, I know Putins trolls have been stoking that fire with conspiracy theories about the vaccines. Britain was unexpectedly embroiled in a diplomatic and military dispute with Russia on Wednesday after Royal Navy destroyer HMS Defender briefly sailed through territorial waters off the coast. Cheers dave , I think our boss were trying too make us look on the bright side I doubt if the Careers office would have stated that when we signed up, And yet, of all the capability gaps, this one worries the RN the least. There are only two roads from Crimea that could be blocked or destroyed, a potential weakness, he said. The trick is to sort the rubbish and the facts, with good journalism there is always some good Intel to be gleaned. And in the Western Military District, a missile regiment armed with S-400 Triumf mobile, surface-to-air missile system conducted electronic launches at a range in Leningrad region. We have Astute, which is the finest anti ship weapon in the world, along with NATO and allied nuclear boats, its enough toRead more . A group of Russian and Chinese warships were spotted in the Bering Sea several dozen miles off an Alaskan island on September 19, the U.S. Coast Guard said on Monday, confirming Moscow and. Commander Philip Harper, Severn's commanding officer, said: "In very challenging conditions with rough weather, Severn and several other British and allied ships have spent 20 days ensuring that Russian transiting warships remain under our watchful eyes.". Screen for heightened risk individual and entities globally to help uncover hidden risks in business relationships and human networks. I was just using it as an example of how the presence of a capable foreign military in a potential war theatre could complicate strategies. Ill accept naval power but always is a bit sweeping. You have to look at the bigger picture, Russia, China and the Iranians are holding joint exercises in the Indian ocean, increased naval activity in the Arctic, My biggest concern is India and Pakistan. Western countries deem the Crimea to be part of Ukraine and reject Russia's claim to the seas around it. Now over, the Russian ships heading for the Med, inc a cruiser. I didnt think anyone could be worse than Trump. Next time round-Hillary Clinton vsRead more , Grandpa Biden has been engaged with the Pentagon bigwigs and was informed that Troops had already been pulled out of Vietnam .Now have your 40 winks and Cocoa, You cant blame Trump for this. There are only 4 sets available for the Type 45s taken off the Type 22 Batch 3s. Last night, Kiev hailed Britain for sending anti-tank weapons and troops as an 'important first step' to help the country defend itself. Whilst we (NATO) wont be firing shots, theres a massive amount that can be done with regards to intelligence and weapon supply that, arguably should have been done a month ago. Irish defence forces have been monitoring the activity of Russian warships that on Tuesday made a U-turn off the country's coast. F35 will also receive SPEAR 3 which also has anti ship capability. return to the tri nations agreement of 1899!! Exact date yellow weather warning for snow and ice forecast to hit UK - will you be affected? Do you have a link on that drawdown, havent seen that comment before? Type 23 frigate HMS Northumberland, based at Devonport, watched the movements of Udaloy-class destroyer the Vice-Admiral Kulakov as it sailed north-west of the Outer Hebrides. How does that relate to this story? Defence chiefs have been keen to suggest new cyber and space capabilities will be major beneficiaries of any extra money for Defence. Meanwhile, in a show of support for former Soviet republics, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace yesterday visited Latvia. When the world is fully and singularly looking at that location. It is a show of force and plans for a possible invasion. Russia is flexing its muscles in Britains back yard after ten warships arrived off the UK coast, the Chief of the Defence Staff has warned. He sees weakness and disharmony and a split America with half the voters seeing thier Country as an island totally ignorant of what losing Europe would mean to the US position in the World. Special Forces, or a couple of thousand US Marines or Paratroopers. NSM like Harpoon has a range that means it flies way over the horizon. Ties between London and Moscow have been on ice since the 2018 poisoning with a Soviet-developed nerve agent known as Novichok of ex-double agent Sergei Skripal, a mole who betrayed hundreds of Russian agents to Britain's MI6 foreign spy service. NOT, should have out an archer. the russian method of fitting a gun,torpedo cruise missile wherever it can fit gives them more powerful vessel than it was designed to be. Using missiles at that close a range in very crowded waters would be crazy. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the British warship, which was travelling from the Ukrainian port of Odessa to the Georgian port of Batumi, was acting in accordance with the law and had been in international waters. Putin is serious, building up a concentration of troops and armour to this level is not an excersise. I doubt you can stand at all given the amount of hallucinogens you must be partaking. But they need to be postured in way that showed the West meant business. General Sir Nick Carter delivering the annual Royal United Services Institute lecture. Ukraine is not a NATO country, therefore Article 5 will not be called and NATO will not fight. No unvaccinated driver may cross the border and there are 10,000s of them. They took over from @kon_marine and will pass onto the @MarineNationale to continue the escort. Thanks for correction but my point was that in the UK he is of DEFENCE not DEFENSE-just trying to hold the line for Oxford English. And T26 will also receive the future cruise/anti ship weapon. A senior State Department official said: 'This is neither an exercise nor normal troop movement. I really dont disagree with you. Not training troops. Agree, that is the most likely route. The ships have included a surfaced submarine, a destroyer, a corvette and a patrol ship along with their supporting tugs and supply ships travelling in the English Channel, Celtic Sea and the West Coast of Scotland. Iran if anything will be taking the opportunity to cause issues whilst US attention is firmly off the region. Its possible if Putin gets really aggressive it could unite the US to someRead more . I would have personally expected more from an accomplished person such as Merkel and her predecessors in making sure there is no reliance on anything from a potential enemy, but as the Germans can be smart, they can be equally daft. , updated Is not the opposite more true? ", DON'T MISS:Vladimir Putin braced for Kremlin 'ultra-nationalists' mutiny[REPORT] West puzzled after Putin evacuates warships and submarines from region [REPORT] UK tanks to cause 'real problems' for Russia on Ukrainian frontline[REPORT]. Ooops! So is his agenda really totally different? "The U.S. Coast Guard is currently monitoring the Russian . Similarly, the economic sanctions threatened by the US and the UK apply regardless of the scale of such action. If anybody wants to do a deep dive into the political corruption the FBI has to tackle, I recommend bookmarking/following ericgarland on Twitter. This was of course totally unrelated to his dad, then VP, having a say on loan money going into Ukraine. And it will be forthcoming if I am wrong as I hope yours will be in reverse. The Marshal Ustinov, a large cruise missile ship, is one of a. That was due to the unusually large number of landing craft in the Baltic. Kyiv might also be provoked into attacking by the separatists who could then ask Russia to send troops to help, he said. Saying your putting your entire navy to sea simultaneously across every theatre you operate in is a bit of a red flag.. though considering the state of the Russian navy if even 25% of the ships leave harbour I will be surprised. Who do you think signed the peace deal with the Taliban you delusional fool? Actually having checked further the major problem the USA/Canada are having are the same that most countries are. Tommo dont get carried away with what the media put out. In theory . I tell you what happened ; the worst thing that people in this Country did, come out of Europe. Did he deserve any sympathy? AnyRead more , Once again I must say that your assessment is spot on. If they cant see it the RU navy will likely assess its not there. F35 will be able to carry 8 of these missiles internally. I think youll find the Poles really ramping up, unlike us Brits who have more horses than tanks, the Poles have superannuated their winged hussars moumts and morphed onto modern MBTs. Kongsberg have said that the NSM will also get the receiver. History shows the wisdom of that comment, it was expressed by Montgomery slightly differently. See reply above. It was not immediately clear what equipment would be arriving today. 2014-2021 UK Defence Journal, all rights reserved. ', She said it mimicked the playbook used when Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula, and included social media disinformation to show Kiev as the instigator of violence. Yes theyve probably done more to modernise than laggards such as Argentine or Germany, but in conventional terms the European members of NATO alone could militarily contain Russia without Americas help. The group thinkers on here have no idea of the N2 capabilities of RU and without AsUW the RN is in danger of being decimated before tea time. A 4 ship of F35s could put 36 missiles into the target area from over 100km away with the advantage of stealth. Russia has brought in new forces to Crimea, which it annexed from Ukraine in 2014. Estonia is sending Javelin anti-armor missiles while Latvia and Lithuania are sending Stinger anti-aircraft missiles and related equipment, according to a Friday statement by the countries defense ministers. Britain said Russia was giving an inaccurate account of the incident. A Russian military ship armed with hypersonic missiles has sailed through the Strait of Dover, the narrowest part of the English Channel - only a few miles away from the English coast. Putin has huge domestic discontent for which the Ukraine crisis is a distraction. Any damage to external sensors, VLS tubes, the bridge area, mast, or flight deck would be enough to take it out of the fight. He wasnt kissing his backside so much when he scrapped the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty! Instead we were lured away by the glitter of ongoing wars in the ME. It can be logically assumed that KALIBR capability willRead more . If you were spending months in a bunker in a trench system in that climate I think it may well matter. Its the same with 90% of Russian kit. Ringfence it. The operation could begin with artillery, missile and air strikes on Ukrainian units in the south, and special forces units might seize bridges and railway junctions, allowing troops and tanks to advance, he said. Pretty much what their President told them on the TV a couple of days ago. It said about 50 BTGs were already in place to the north and east of Ukraine and in Crimea to the south. America last night warned the Kremlin of 'massive consequences' as its top diplomat flew to Europe for last-ditch talks aimed at averting war. Times where unity is needed he takes EU presidency and is calling for the EU to do their own deal with Russia. The seven Russian ships - two frigates, three corvettes and two landing ships - were initially tracked by HMS Tyne, an offshore patrol craft. The official warned the Kremlin: 'Our message, and that of our allies and partners, is that Russia has two choices: diplomacy and de-escalation, or escalation and massive consequences. Ill think you well find Im disagreeing with a nut job who thinks Salisbury was a UK government conspiracy lol. Dont forget its got a great habit of hitting other random stuff like holiday homes or your best mates frigate. Dont we have typhoons in the Balkans and Romania? Some operating virtually continuously for a couple of years or more on a return trip every month. the Poles keep shtum about their involvement, unlike the Balts who declare it openly. Purely theoretical, but just imagine Putin had deployed military units to Iraq in 2002/2003 as peacekeepers and to secure WMD. By teatime at least during the cold War the surface arm of the RN was given 7 days before lights out 6 days more than the RAF , only the Army faired better indefinitely if resupplied ? Concussion will do too much damage. I cant believe Putin seriously wants to invade Ukraine he would lose far more than he gained. Combined, these would provide us with a very capable deterrent for home defence from land, sea and air. We will see who is right in a month or two. He wants to get some skin in the game like the West has had the past 20 years. You act like the US has nothing to prepare for or be cautious with and we can throw our weight around like Panama in 1989. Not sitting, looks like hes on his way to Moscow to have a quiet chat with Sergei Shoigu. The White Housewarned yesterday the situation was 'extremely dangerous' and that Moscow could launch an attack 'at any point'. Morning Spy. The German government even went so far as to brief journalists on Tuesday that cutting Russia off from international banking systems - the so-called 'nuclear option' of sanctions - was off the table, prompting angry denials from Washington. HMS Dragon, though reportedly armed with Harpoon, is being put in harms way without a modern AShM. I cant imagine we would though, as it could cause an incident in the channel. They have nothing to match it. Pity we dont have an enormous fleet of attack submarines to take out surface ships. At least Ukraine is on a democratic pathway! But why would Russia deployed troops in Iraq 2003 to save Despot Sadams skin? Several Latvians were arrested when they returned from fighting in the Ukraine they had been on the Russian side! Their problem then, as now, in terms of getting into the EU, was/is corruption.